21 October, 2012

The November Rain

So firm was the handshake 
That it held a million promises
Much like the softness of that cold November morning  
Some soft, some firm
And the tale grew a little long
You wrote and I sang along - 'The November Song'

I believed in what you wrote
So did the thrust in my throat
Knowing your words had no meaning, no depth
I still kept singing along

I wondered when the skies wept
I wondered when the roads were wet 
I wondered what still sketched the rainbow up there!
Did you also wonder sometimes, somewhat?

The mystery of rains and the bow of colours
So fascinating it is, that it draws a vibrant bond
Unknowingly we both sing along – 'The November Song'
I, in my world. You, in your world.
And, the universal chorus in our world!